Monday, October 4, 2010

Lets let society be the judge Part 2

*Please read part one first of "Lets let society be the judge"
By this time- My grandmother, had already called me to tell me to stop talking back to Anthony, b/c I have upset him..................... Anyway,...I informed my grandparents about the ENTIRE situation. My Grandpa was emotional, he was hurt! Yet,he said, "What ever you need to do: Im on your side!" (I love my Gpa). My Gmother wasnt showing any emotion (that reminded me about her not shedding one tear at my bro's funeral)... I asked her what she felt, inside etc. (via e-mail) She is still my grandma,(For the record my Gparents aren't old fragile shrivels ;))Although,I didnt agree w/ the fact my Gma was still literally choosing the uncle's feelings over my hurt( her first grandchild)- I still wrote to her in a way WITHOUT calling her out!I respected her feelings!... this was to get to the root of her feelings-It had me confused!...(everything she had responded with had something to do with..."Makes me wonder who did it to him!" (My opinion on that to myself was-It was done to me- I didnt hurt anyone else!)or Things like -"You need to just pray about it,and just let it go!" WTFFFF.
Well, a few emails later one of her sisters' spoke to me, This is the same aunt that when I first told her about the "secret" She told me, "Anthony is not welcomed back at her house", and made a big "THATS SO SHOCKINGLY DISGUSTING (ROUTINE)Im not having that BLAH,BLAH,BLAH". Welp, on this new day she said with a grin, "You're upsetting my grandma-she forwarded me the emails, so if you need to speak of the situation- speak to me!" than she giggled! ?!! Gma didnt tell me- or show me, that it was upsetting her,in ANY WAY- she could've told me! especially in her long passages she wrote. She was telling me about her childhood...At least we were getting "SOMEWHERE"... I thought she was starting to open up. Although inside I am not agreeing with everything-I was at the least getting some kind of understanding!
Welp, I stopped discussing the situation with them !!..., next thing I know I see a picture of that same great aunt sitting in a group of 4. Two of them were Anthony, and his girlfriend at a party!~(smack two- in my face!)SHE UPLOADED IT ON FACEBOOK!
Trust me he's not the only MONSTER in her pictures!
All THEY want me to do is FORGET, and to NOT DISCUSS MY HURT AMONGST THE FAMILY,b/c it looks bad, basically get over it,move on. That shits not normal!!!!!! so now whats left...hmmm maybe its better to discuss it on a blog with the WORLD!!?!!! Family of select dumbasses! (KEEP IN MIND THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I AM PUBLICALLY SHARING MY FEELINGS ABOUT THIS(Besides w/ 3 modern knowledge- close cousins!!)
Last week I found that "Aunt", and her daughter erased me, AND MY MOTHER from their FB page???!!!, and still have the monster on her friends list! The "aunt" had told my mom prior to this that she dont want to have to choose sides...she is not strong enough!..-BITCH YOU MADE YOUR SELF THE CENTER OF THIS BY TRYING TO MAKE ME FORGET FOR THE SAKE OF THE FAMILY IMAGE ("Talk to me, not your Gma!"). TO TALK TO YOU (and although it never got to that, AND NOW WHAT?!!! IT SHOULD BE THE SIDE OF RIGHT OR WRONG!!
SHE ERASED ME N MY MOM B/C WE DONT WANT TO LET RAPE,AND MOLESTATION SECRETLY CONTINUE ON AND ON... B/C I should protect what someone might think about this EXTENDED FAMILY?!!! Your fucked in the head- you made it bad!!. My opinion "they" should do what they want, but the consanguinity molestation,and rape underwrapping...THAT STOPS WITH ME!!!...

>> I recently found out that when someone would ask if he has spoken to my family (w/out knowing what is going on)... he is tellin' the lie that "Oh, we havent spoken, because we are having some personality differences!!!" WHAT A FUCKING CREEP!

By the way, besides the 3 others i found situation helped, another (unrelated situation) be talked about... SPEAK UP- Noone is alone, you'd be suprised!


  1. I know the anger and frustration when no one will listen to you or believe you. It would be easier, I guess, if you dropped it and lived the rest of your life. But I wouldn't. I would bring up the subject and accuse him at every opportunity. I would go to a lawyer to see if he could be sued and to the police to see if he could be arrested. I would burn bridges with the family at every chance. They have not supported you so why do you need them? But that is just me. Now you know why I don't have a lot of friends.

  2. Oh, and to follow someone's blog, go to their page and look for the follower block with all the pretty faces and click ‘follow.’ Then when one of your peeps makes a post you will see a message on your blog letting you know they posted.

  3. Everyday it keeps getting more and more Hillybilly HORROR!!!!! Its not for the fact of "bad mouthing" the family... If the"family" cared.. they would've stopped this shit long ago! Im thankful my parents arent in the mind set of some of these relatives. Now I know why my mom was soooo stressed when we were kids... (She was married to my dad, but he worked long hours to provide- my mom really had noone else! Especially if they were the way Im finding out that they are! YIKES! Ive cut ties ever since I saw true colors from the fam when my bro passed... when it comes down to it THOSE PEOPLE MEAN SHIT TO ME NOW. To my moms concern- she doesnt have a brother!... Im older now, and going about it in an educational way, so for my pops...Anthony is NOT worth going to jail for!, feel me! If one of my kids/ brothers had turned to be a monster like that... Im choosing the side of right-hands down! O I forgot to add one more thing on this post... I recently found out that when someone would ask if he has spoken to my family (w/out knowing what is going on)... he is tellin' the lie that "Oh, we havent spoken, because we are having some personality differences!!!" WHAT A FUCKING CREEP HE IS!
    Thanks again for understanding. I totally know where ur coming from! :)

  4. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.
    Besides, being angry is as close as a human being can come to experiencing hell on earth.
